Atom Supports the Pavia Supernova Initiative

Always attentive to the local area and its development, Atom has chosen to sponsor the Assolombarda project “PAVIA SUPERNOVA. La cultura d’impresa in transizione” (PAVIA SUPERNOVA. Business Culture in Transition), which encompasses all actions aimed at enhancing Pavia’s excellences and their propensity to look beyond borders.

Pavia’s businesses are indeed the true protagonists of the economic and social revitalization of their territory. This recognition was highlighted on a national level by Pavia’s nomination as the “Capital of Business Culture 2023,” an award given annually by Confindustria to the city that stands out for sharing the values of business culture with its community.

With four operational units and ten branches worldwide, Atom combines an international DNA with its connection to the productive fabric of Vigevano, where the roots of what is now a global leader in the mechanical-footwear sector lie. Supporting the Pavia Supernova project reaffirms Atom’s commitment to valuing a territory that holds extraordinary business stories and can now project itself into a future of innovation and growth.

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